[TYPO3-english] After update photo_gal Extension not loading in FE
HocomAdvies [ Wiechert Hooghwinkel ]
info at hocom-advies.nl
Fri Feb 3 11:19:49 CET 2012
first of all thanks for your help. I had a look at the mentioned file and changed the settings accordingly. Without the desired effect :)
Now when I was looking into all the files etc. before I came across a js file which is loaded:
And I am afraid the prevous / next part is handled by that file ? So my original clever idea was telling tx_mbkdimagelightbox not to use taht file and have it using my adapted file instead, just as I did with the css file. Now the thing is that there is not an part in the TS Object Browser where i can overwrite that part?
This is what it looks now:
[usedefaultcss] = 0 # galleriffic configuration # insert default css
[width] = 75c # small size images
[height] = 75c
[maxW] = 495 # big size images
[maxH] = 500
[extensionaccess] = 0 # get extension access for directory mode
[previous] = Vorige Foto
[next] = Volgende Foto
Thsi is in the js.file:
playLinkText: 'Play Slideshow',
pauseLinkText: 'Pause Slideshow',
prevLinkText: '‹ Previous Photo',
nextLinkText: 'Next Photo ›',
nextPageLinkText: 'Next ›',
prevPageLinkText: '‹ Prev',
So could this be the reason its not working or could it be the fact that _LOCAL_LANG.nl is not recognized as being the "default language?
I tried it like this, using the parts from the locallang.xml:
previous = Vorige Foto
next = Volgende Foto
Kind regards / met vriendelijke groet,
Op 2 feb. 2012, om 23:35 heeft Jigal van Hemert het volgende geschreven:
> Hi,
> On 2-2-2012 20:21, HocomAdvies [ Wiechert Hooghwinkel ] wrote:
>> For now I decided to use mbkdimagelightbox. Only have to sort out
>> howto change some language settings. Since it's only available in english.
>> plugin.tx_mbkdimagelightbox_pi1.galleriffic{
>> _LOCAL_LANG.nl {
>> Play Slideshow = Diashow
>> Previous Photo = Vorige Foto
>> Next Photo = Volgende Foto
>> }
>> }
>> This is not working.
> No surprise :-)
> You have to look inside the locallang file; I guess it's in typo3conf/ext/mbkdimagelightbox/pi1/locallang.xml (please look up the correct path!). There you'll find something like:
> <languageKey index="default" type="array">
> <label index="previous">Previous Photo</label>
> The part in the index= is the name of the label you have to use in your Typoscript block:
> ...._LOCAL_LANG.nl {
> previous = Vorige foto
> NOTE: this is just an example to explain the mechanism. You have to look up the actual situation in your extension and use those label names!
> --
> Kind regards / met vriendelijke groet,
> Jigal van Hemert.
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