[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 Customer Feedback Initiative

Tonix (Antonio Nati) tonix at interazioni.it
Fri Dec 21 12:55:36 CET 2012

Il 21/12/2012 12:30, JoH asenau ha scritto:
>> Honestly I have problems understanding the goal of this page, and why a
>> development frameworks should speak to end users, which will never use
>> directly the framework.
>> My customers do not care if I use TYPO3 or WordPress or whatever CMS.
>> Important for them is if I understand their needs and provide a good
>> solution. Which CMS I use is not important for them.
>> And again, an end customer can say things like 'I need an easy way to
>> make forms', which is different from 'I need a flexible form constructor
>> package, to be integrated with kickstarter or callable as library, with
>> mysql constraints and transaction management', which can be asked by a
>> developer which spoke with his end customers.
> Well - it depends on the definition of "end customer".
> In your case this is an "ordinary" user, who still might have some 
> needs you don't know of - so this is what Søren meant.
> But there a re lots of other scenarios beside this scope especially 
> when it comes to those "enterprise clients" TYPO3 CMS officially aims at.
> Currently for example I am working as external consultant for a 
> project of German Telekom.
> There is no agency or integrator in between and most of the decision 
> makers are working in several IT-departments.
> These people have certain criteria that makes them decide in favor or 
> against a CMS framework. If we don't meet these criteria due to a lack 
> of communication between those decision makers and the developers 
> creating the solutions provided by TYPO3, we might lose some important 
> customers. At the same time this means losing a lot of budget for 
> development that might have been contributed later on, as this was the 
> case for example with the current version of Grid Elements.

Honestly, I see a lot of confusion in what you say.

These customers should be business/application oriented people. If they 
are able to discriminate between different CMS is because some CMS are 
more oriented to their business needs, while other are not.

And I don't see how a core developer could write a business oriented 
function, without beeing extremely expert on the business logic.

At the contrary, if they are evaluating a CMS for internal development 
(as it looks because you say they work in IT departments), they are 
developer and not end customers. Real end customers are the non IT 
departments which will use the final product.



         Inter at zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati
    http://www.interazioni.it      tonix at interazioni.it

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