[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 Customer Feedback Initiative

Søren Malling soren.malling at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 11:58:33 CET 2012


On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Tonix (Antonio Nati) <tonix at interazioni.it
> wrote:
> My customers do not care if I use TYPO3 or WordPress or whatever CMS.
> Important for them is if I understand their needs and provide a good
> solution. Which CMS I use is not important for them.

In order for you to meet there needs, you need a tool that can be formed in
that way. I think you should consider the list as a "a customer had this
need, and I couldn't meet it 100% or had issues (XCLASSING!!) with the
current state of the product" response.

And again, an end customer can say things like 'I need an easy way to make
> forms', which is different from 'I need a flexible form constructor
> package, to be integrated with kickstarter or callable as library, with
> mysql constraints and transaction management', which can be asked by a
> developer which spoke with his end customers.

True, customers can come with very different varieties of the same issue,
and I think we should look at creating great base libraries, to be able to
complete these different tasks.

I hope it makes sense - or someone else can put more words on this project.



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