[TYPO3-english] Copy content from column to another page

Stephen Bungert stephenbungert at yahoo.de
Thu Dec 20 14:17:59 CET 2012

Thanks very much!

Didn't even know that something like this could be done! I guess cliboard 3 
and 4 are the same as 2 but can be used to store other things without losing 
what is in clipboard 2?


"bernd wilke" <t3ng at bernd-wilke.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1356009247.10318.typo3-english at lists.typo3.org...
> Am 20.12.2012 13:54, schrieb Stephen Bungert:
>> Hello,
>> is it possible to copy all the content from a column to another page 
>> instead
>> of each content element one at-a-time? If so how?
>> I have content that is the same on each page, but need to be slightly
>> different, I thought about adding this via TS so it made it easier to
>> change, and I would just use TS conditions, but an extension that I'm 
>> using
>> is not useable just via TS as several settings can only be set in the CE
>> flexform.
> use the enhanced list-view: display the column field,
> using the second clipboard, mark only those CEs in your column,
> move them to the clipboard (and change clipboard to copy instead of move)
> insert the CEs in your target page with the insert-icon in the header 
> (inserting them after an existing CE will copy language and column from 
> that CE into all inserted CEs)
> in case of TV: insert all that 'lost' CEs into the appropiate column.
> bernd
> -- 
> http://www.pi-phi.de/cheatsheet.html 

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