[TYPO3-english] Javascript + CSS minification / extensions and groups

Christian Weiske christian.weiske at netresearch.de
Fri Dec 14 11:05:04 CET 2012


TYPO3 supports Javascript and CSS minifaction and concatenation via
config.concatenateJs and config.concatenateCss [1].
You may disable concatenation for js files included with includeJS by
setting the .excludeFromConcatenation property on them.

Now my questions:

1. Does the minifier also minify javascripts that are included by
   extensions, e.g. by adding them to additionalHeaderData or setting
   them via the pageRenderer->addJsFile/addCssFile?
   Or are those ignored?

2. Is it possible to define groups of files? Imagine some 10 JS files,
   4 are mainly used in one part of the page tree, 4 other on another
   part of the page tree. 2 are used on both.
   It would be sensible to have three minified files; one for each of
   the (manually defined) groups. Is that possible? How?


Regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christian Weiske

-= Geeking around in the name of science since 1982 =-

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