[TYPO3-english] accessing GET-Parameters in fluid templates

Stephen Bungert stephenbungert at yahoo.de
Wed Dec 5 16:39:43 CET 2012

I often use inline notation when I need to use a viehelper's return value in 
a another viewhelper.

Try this (untested, something like this should work I think):

<f:if condition="{news.id} == {f:cObject (typoscriptObjectPath: 


"Nicolai Schirawski" <hinterindien at gmx.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.10822.1354721383.598.typo3-english at lists.typo3.org...
> Hi there,
> I am searching for a possibility to access the GET-Parameters in my fluid 
> template.
> What I managed so far: I extracted the GET-Parameter from URL via 
> typoscript
> temp = TEXT
> temp.data = GP:tx_news_pi1|news
> and could then successfully display this number in my template:
> <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="path.to.ts" />
> But this seems to lead nowhere. The number is just displayed. But I need 
> to use it in some construction like:
> <f:if condition="{news.id} == {myGetParameter}">
> Or am I on the wrong track? Is there some straightforward method to 
> include a GET-Parameter into fluid templates?
> Background: I have two ext:news-plugins on the same page, a list-view 
> showing only the titles of the news, and a detail view. Now I want to 
> highlight the list element that is shown in the detail view.
> If someone has a hint for me, where to search, this would be very helpful
> Thanks
> Nicolai 

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