[TYPO3-english] More information regarding this error might be available online

Andreas Becker ab.becker at web.de
Sun Dec 2 18:33:27 CET 2012

Hi Phillip

It is NOT funny at all

when you install the government package and no additional stuff an than
this error appears.
before I never heard about this file_list extension as I actually never
used it.
So it seems that an extension inside the government package is calling for
this extension but it is not available in the package and if you have a
look to the mailinglist you probably have realized that this error when
calling the filelist module Version 6 pops up quite often.

IMHO Starter packages which actually should also help beginners should not
have such problems at all.
The solution is quite simple - avoid using Introduction or Government
package as they are to buggy and not well documented, better start using
the WEC Packages as they work from scratch!

To install an extension - here file_list - which hasn't been maintained
since 2 years is for sure not a solution, even it will make the error
message not popping up anymore!

> > What actually this information says? What for is it?
> > Time by time we receive errors in TYPO3 installations and than the
> > following message appears.
> Well, it means exactly what it says. If you are lucky, you may find further
> information about this error in the wiki.
> All exceptions in the core have a unique exception number (the UNIX
> timestamp at writing the exception).
> This is used to generate a unique link to the wiki.
> The nature of a wiki, especially mediawiki like used for wiki.typo3.organd
> wikipedia is that you can a unique page per URL and you can enter
> information at any URL even if the page does not yet exist.
> > Clicking on the "online" link leads you to the wiki and lots of empty
> > pages - actually we found until now no page which really had information
> > on it. i.e.
> > http://wiki.typo3.org/Wiki/Exceptionv4/1270853878
> Go ahead and fill it if you have a solution for an exception.

see above

> > In this case in a government package installation for testing and
> > demonstration.
> >
> > The complete message in this case is:
> >
> >> Oops, an error occurred!
> >>
> >> TYPO3 Fatal Error: Extension key "file_list" is NOT loaded!
> >>
> >> More information regarding this error might be available
> >> online<http://typo3.org/go/exception/v4/1270853878> .
> >>
> > It appears after calling a folder i.e. "templates" which exists under
> > fileadmin.
> > A look into the extension manager tells you that the file_list module is
> > loaded and you can check also in the new localConfiguration.php file.
> >
> > Here it says 'filelist' => 'a:0:{}',
> >
> > 'file_list' does not exist and we don't know why the error pops up in the
> > backend when 'file_list' is actually a frontend plugin.
> So what is your problem. TYPO3 detects that you are trying to call
> something
> inside a plugin folder that does not exits.
> That happens if you install an extension and then remove it on the server
> without uninstalling it inside the extension manager.
> Just remove the extension key inside LocalConfiguration.php

Wrong as the error message says that the extension is missing! so in
LocalConfiguration.php you don't have an entry for file_list, therefore you
don't need to remove anything but instead you need to install something -
in this case "file_list" =/= attention it is not "filelist" as this
extension is loaded and has to be loaded!

> > We did a search on t3o with 5649 extensions and found the extension key
> >
> > 'file_list' by Moreno Feltscher - January 30, 2010 (last update)
> >> This extension provides a frontend plugin which shows a list of files
> and
> >> folders in a specified directory on the file system (comparable to
> >> Apaches directory listing).
> So go ahead and import it into your installation.
> > So back to the WIKI and its blank pages -
> > http://wiki.typo3.org/Wiki/Exceptionv4/1270853878
> >
> > What for is it and what information should you be able to get here?
> > How can the blank pages be improved? i.e. is there a way to enter
> > information or at least some information about the error itself and where
> > and how it appeared.
> 1. it is an error (an exception) due to a misconfiguration from you

Well I don't think so as it is a naked Government Package Installation.

> 2. it is a wiki, so you can edit the text if you can provide some details
> for others that might get an exception, so that they do not have to ask
> again

If this exception is getting always to the same wiki page this might work,
but above you are writing about the timestamp. Does this mean that if
somebody has got now the same exception at another time he will be led to a
new wiki page where he actually can't find the information I might have
entered previously. Errors occur IMHO not always at the same time, so that
the timestamp is probably not usable for this purpose!

> 3. you can edit it via the edit link that appears if you login
> 4. It is not a bugtracker, but wiki, so do not edit details of your error,
> but the solution to solve the misconfiguration
> > What should be the difference between this WIKI and the bugtracker?
> see 4.
> If you want those pages to contain more than a sample text, then go ahead
> and full it with the information I gave you above.
> Funny that you have to ask about an error you should have seen in the years
> of working with TYPO3.

Well we usually don't use often the introduction or government package as
they are much to buggy and usually to difficult for beginners to install.
But with 6.0 we tried them again. By the way this file_list error did first
appear in the last packages.

Usually we are using the WEC Starter Packages or the Busy Noggin Package
and both are working instantly and are well documented. Great for Beginners
to start with TYPO3. As the new WEC Package isn't available right now and
6.0 has just been released, we thought using the Packages provided on t3o -
what was "a waste of time" as our guests mentioned.

Anyway we try to avoid those t3o packages I guess for the next time until
they are much more mature.


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