[TYPO3-english] mailformplus - change mail address

Reinhard Führicht rf at typoheads.at
Wed Nov 30 19:56:20 CET 2011


Am 30.11.2011 18:48, schrieb Victor Livakovsky:
> Hi, Kay.
>> Can someone lead me to the "front door" for this task in version 4.0.15
>> of mailformplus and 4.5.3 of TYPO3?
> Well, you better switch to 'fromhandler' extension, which is a successor
> of 'mailformplus'. And it contains 'Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_Mail' class,
> where you can set up needed stuff in your TS. I don't remember, if
> mailformplus contains this finisher class alerady or it was added in
> formhandler, but you may have a look at the source code anyway.

as far as I remember, mailformplus allows only configuration with 

Example (This may not be working, but should give you a hint where to 
search in the manual):

plugin.tx_thmailformplus_pi1 {

   default {
     email_to = admin at domain.tld
     email_subject = My subject


Formhandler allows to do this configuration in TypoScript as well as in 
the plugin on the page.



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