[TYPO3-english] constants.txt versus ext_typoscript_constants.txt
Peter Niederlag
typo3-list at niekom.de
Mon Nov 14 09:49:52 CET 2011
you'll *never* see constants themselves in PHP. constants can be used
inside setup:
plugin.txfoo_pi1.xyz = ${someConst}
You will see the result in $this->conf['xyz'].
Greets and hth,
Am 11.11.2011 15:56, schrieb Leen Strijk:
> Hi Peter,
> So far understood.
> So it's the ext_typoscript_constants file that is deprecated.
> I was under the impression that it was also the other way that was not
> preferred anymore, what makes no sence at all, and kind of implied that
> only flexforms were to be used.
> So I have included the file with :
> t3lib_extMgm::addStaticFile($_EXTKEY,'pi1/static','my_extension');
> I can see the keys and values in the BE constants, but in the script no
> data will be available. it should be with $this->conf but only the setup
> data apears while debugging.
> I have been searching for a long time now and i am really stuck.
> Whatever i try I can't get the values from either file
> btw I am on a local server(offcource) typo3 5.7
> On 11-11-2011 10:33, Peter Niederlag wrote:
>> Hi Leen,
>> in fact both approaches can be used in parallel:
>> 1)
>> ext_typoscript_constants.txt will be loaded/included whenever it is
>> available. All included code is therfor included globally just by
>> installation of the extension. This approach is officially marked
>> "deprecated" but widley used and IMO very useful.
>> 2)
>> register some folder for TS-code in ext_tables.php:
>> t3lib_extMgm::addStaticFile($_EXTKEY,'pi1/static','my_extension');
>> pi1/static/setup.txt constants.txt ... will be made available as
>> "Include Static from extensions" under the label "my_extension" when you
>> edit a sys_template (TypoScript-template) in the BE on the "Include"(??)
>> tab.
>> This code is only executed when the user activly includes this template.
>> hth and Greets,
>> Peter
>> Am 10.11.2011 20:27, schrieb Leen Strijk:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was having a problem with the constants.txt file.
>>> After a lot of searching I finally realised that my problem was that I
>>> also had a ext_typoscript_constants.txt file in the extension.
>>> So all the time I was looking at the constants.txt while the ext was
>>> looking at the ext_typoscript_constants.txt.
>>> I want to use the constants.txt but when i remove the
>>> ext_typoscript_constants.txt file the calues from constants.txt won't
>>> get read.
>>> I have
>>> t3lib_extMgm::addStaticFile($_EXTKEY,'pi1/static','my_extension');
>>> in ex_tables.php
>>> I read the following in another old topic
>>> [quote]
>>> Hi Tapio, Once you install an extension, and it uses the old method
>>> (ext_typoscript_constants.txt / ext_typoscript_setup.txt), then the
>>> TS is
>>> activated for the entire TYPO3 installation, also if you have more
>>> than one
>>> domain..
>>> Using the new method (static/constants.txt / static/setup.txt) You'll
>>> manually have to include the TS in the template. That way you can have
>>> different setups for different domains om the same site..
>>> --
>>> Peter Klein /Umloud Untd
>>> [/quote]
>>> So now I think there is a setting for this somewhere. I may have
>>> overlooked it in kickstarter.
>>> Does anyone know where i can find that setting or wich file?
>>> Kind regards
>>> Leen
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *
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