[TYPO3-english] RealURL and fixedPostVars and change of page title

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Wed May 18 13:29:42 CEST 2011


Rik Willems wrote:
> This is a rewrite through RewriteRule. Although this will work well it
> is not very user friendly.

This is best for your server: 

> I remember that RealURL keeps a cache old
> 'old' urls after a page title has changed. Is that (still) true and does
> that work in combination with subpages as well?

No, only for the current page. Makinbg it for all subpages would take too 
much time because TYPO3 does not have a way to fetch all subpages of the 
page in one query. Imagine that you have 10 levels deep pages and need to 
fetch all subpages on all these 10 levels to update their cache...

Dmitry "itoldyou" Dulepov
TYPO3 core&security team member
E-mail: dmitry.dulepov at typo3.org
Web: http://dmitry-dulepov.com/

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