[TYPO3-english] Clearing cache_extentions in typo3 DB
Krystian Szymukowicz
t33k at prolabium.com
Wed May 18 09:42:14 CEST 2011
W dniu 2011-05-18 08:58, Bing van Moorsel | Idar Creative pisze:
> Op 18-5-2011 0:33, Christian Kuhn schreef:
>> On 05/17/2011 03:40 PM, Bing van Moorsel | Idar Creative wrote:
>>> Our question:
>>> Is there an easy way to clear this table? i did some googling but still
>>> couldn't find out the best way to deal with this cache?
>> Why should one want to clear cache_extensions manually?
>> - This table is a 'cache' table for TER extension list, it is only used
>> in the extension manager and not on a regular basis in FE or BE access.
>> - It just holds a list of all extensions and extension versions in TER
>> and it is read and updated by 'update extension list from TER' in
>> extension manager.
>> - It currently takes <= 10MB of space, this in no problem for your
>> hosting, is it? It is seldom used, so it also shouldn't be a problem for
>> mysql caches and so on.
>> - There is no need to clear this table, its content is transparently
>> taken care of by the em.
>> All in all there is imho no point in an option/functionality to clear
>> this table. Did I missed something?
>> Regards
>> Christian
> Hallo,
> Its not about the space.
> Its more about a clean backup with NO cache. I personly dont like cache
> in my backups. You can clear all the cache in the database except for
> this table?
> Its not that its a big isseu. Its just neater to have only the neccecary
> data in your db when backin up.
so use the proper switches for mysqldump
# tables which have to be ignored
$ignore_tables_cache = "--ignore-table=$sql_database.cache_hash
$ignore_tables_index = "--ignore-table=$sql_database.index_rel";
$ignore_tables_sys = "--ignore-table=$sql_database.sys_history
$ignore_tables_static ="--ignore-table=$sql_database.static_template
$ignore_tables = "$ignore_tables_cache $ignore_tables_index
$ignore_tables_sys $ignore_tables_static";
system ("mysqldump --complete-insert --all $ignore_tables -h$sql_server
-P$sql_port -u$sql_user -p$sql_password $sql_database");
Krystian Szymukowicz
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