[TYPO3-english] CSS Problem
Riccardo De Contardi
riccardo.decontardi at bhuman.it
Tue May 3 15:46:07 CEST 2011
It's very difficult helping you with so few infos.
First of all, check if your HTML is all OK (no missing closing tags, etc)
Then, my suggestion is: try to do some debug using firefox+firebug (maybe
some of your style rules are overwritten by those of css_styled_content)
Best regards
On 03/05/11 14.53, "Salman Javaid" <salman at tidi.be> wrote:
> *Hello All,*
> My design layout and css works fine in all the browsers but every time when
> i integrate my design and css with typo3 then only in IE, the layout moves
> to the left side of the page. I think there is some default css of typo3
> that creates this problem. Can anyone tell me the solution?
> *Thanks & Regards,
> Salman Javaid*
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Riccardo De Contardi Web Developer
B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it <http://www.bhuman.it>
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