[TYPO3-english] Tricky TypoScript question concerning stdWrap and conditions

Rik Willems rik at actiview.nl
Thu Jun 16 18:58:56 CEST 2011

Hi Jörg,

Sounds like an interesting challenge. I think you should use either 
RECORDS or CONTENT through a stdWrap on a if.value or use the CASE 
object with RECORDS or CONTENT.

CASE can be very powerful!

Cheers, Rik

Op 16-6-2011 6:45, Jörg Klein schreef:
> Hi guys,
> I have a tricky TypoScript problem for which I do not know a solution.
> I output a text. This text should generally be wrapped in a link tag.
> The link should point to the page in the rootline, which is on level 1.
> But I do not want to have a link to the page itself, when I am on it.
> So if I am on a page on level 1, the text should not be linked.
> (All that works with the TypoScript below.)
> Now comes the problem:
> The text also should not be linked, if the page on level 1 is a shortcut to
> a subpage and if you currently are on that subpage
> (= on the target page of that shortcut).
> I do not know how to do that.
> Do you have an idea?
> Is that possible?
> Cheers
> Jörg
> Here is my TypoScript setup:
> 5 = TEXT
> 5 {
> 	value = Lorem ipsum
> 	# Link it
> 	typolink.parameter {
> 		# Link target is the page on level 1 in the page tree
> 		data = leveluid : 1
> 		# Only put the link, when we are not on level 1 currently
> 		if {
> 			# Set uid of the current page as comparison value
> 			value.data = field : uid
> 			# It should equal the uid of the page in the rootline on level 1
> 			equals.data = leveluid : 1
> 			# In that case I do NOT want a link. So negate what we have, to get the
> link in the other cases
> 			negate = 1
> 			# Result: The link is there, if the current page is not the same as the
> one on level 1 in the rootline
> 		}
> 	}
> }
> Again the problem:
> How can I additionally hide the link, if
> - the page on level 1 is a shortcut to a subpage and
> - I currently am on that subpage?

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