[TYPO3-english] Recover sysfolder

Benjamin Wolf bw at shs-it.de
Wed Jun 1 00:23:44 CEST 2011

Thanks for your help Steffen, got my folder back ;)

Am 31.05.2011 21:26, schrieb Steffen Gebert:
> On 31.05.11 21:18, Benjamin Wolf wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've accidently deleted the sysfolder of my tt_news, and can't find a
>> way to undelete it.
>> Can somebody give me a hint?
>> Thanks a lot!
> Use the recycler module (if there is no module Recycler, chech whether
> the system extension recycler is installed).
> In doubt have a manual look at the pages table in the database and unset
> the deleted flag.
> Then search in the tt_news table for entries having deleted flag and pid
> = uid of the folder.
> Kind regards
> Steffen

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Benjamin Wolf

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