[TYPO3-english] pseudo external links between domains within TYPO3 multidomain installation

RDE / Redlich gr2 at ipw.net
Thu Jul 28 19:32:40 CEST 2011

TYPO3 4.2.17 - with RTE 1.7.16

I have a simple Typo3 installation with two domains

domain1 with testpage-1A
domain2 with testpage-2B
each tree with its own domain-record - DNS is ok - vhost is ok too.

If I insert/add an external link inside a content-element
from domain1
www://domain2/testpage-2B.html -
it works fine as usual.

But if I insert/add an external link inside a content-element
from domain2 backwards
www://domain1/testpage-A1.html - it does not more work.

Within any browser it shows the wrong string: www://domain2/testpage-A1.html

However, within the plain ascii text of the domain1 content-element
it is written absolutely fine :     www://domain1/testpage-A1.html

Using internal links between these two domains it dos not work anyway.
There must be a misparsing of the content-elements.
I know, it did work prior 4.2.0 -

So what has changed ? Or what has to be added to typoscript ?

The real two domains are
http://www.fernsehmuseum.info/ and

any help or trick or tip or link is welcome

tank you

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