[TYPO3-english] Always <! - Parsetime: 0ms -> in the source code

Jordan van Bergen jordanvanbergen at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 19:15:44 CEST 2011

I added the following to / typo3conf/localconf.php:


to show the parse-time of a page in the source code

However, in a configuration where the Website connects to another 
MySQL server (not localhost) the sourcecode always shows:
<! - Parsetime: 0ms ->

This is not really what should happen ;-) LOL.

Anyone aware of this only working if the website and database
are on the same server?

In such a configuration, you will receive a parse time back but
when the database is on another server I get:
<! - Parsetime: 0ms ->

Hope someone has a suggestion or idea why this happens and how 
to solve this?


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