[TYPO3-english] Direct mail categories problem

Morten Hagh morten at hagh.dk
Fri Jul 8 08:56:03 CEST 2011

Hi list,


I have a problem with the use of categories in Direct Mail subscription.

I use Direct Mail Subscription extension on a page and I have created two
categories, Surveys and News, and the user can select from which  category
he/she wants to recieve news.

This works as intended. The categories is displayed correctly. 


But I can not see any category fields in the tt_address records of the users
and when I create a recipient list and select a category it just display #0
as 0 recipients

If I just check one of the fe users I can see the fields, but the fe users
are manually created in the BE to give access to a specific area on the
website and is not supposed to be used in a recipient list.


On the page where the subscription form are placed and on the sysfolder
where recipients are listed, aswell as the newsletters, I have this in the
page options.


TCEFORM.tt_content.module_sys_dmail_category.PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST = 584

TCEFORM.tt_address.module_sys_dmail_category.PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST = 584

TCEFORM.fe_users.module_sys_dmail_category.PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST = 584

TCEFORM.sys_dmail_group.select_categories.PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST = 584

TCEFORM.tt_content.module_sys_dmail_category.disabled = 0

TCEFORM.tt_address.module_sys_dmail_category.disabled = 0

TCEFORM.fe_users.module_sys_dmail_category.disabled = 0

TCEFORM.sys_dmail_group.select_categories.disabled = 0


plugin.feadmin.dmailsubscriptiona.cObjects.CATLIST.pid = 584


584 being the pid of the sysfolder.


What am I doing wrong?


Morten Hagh

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