[TYPO3-english] huge cache_data fields in table cache_pages caused by plugins / bad performace

Fabian Schatz f.schatz at fab-home.de
Thu Jul 7 12:43:54 CEST 2011



the size of our cache_pages table is about 20GB. There are 150.00 entries.
The field db field HTML is about 25kB per entry, the field cache_data about
200kB per entry. This is because every plugin on a page has a "configuration
- string" of about 15kb (not the configuration of the plugin itself (this is
very small), but other settings). We do have 10 to 15plugins per page (and a
lot of pages). 


I think 20GB and more is not very good for the performance of the DB -
Server and our Site. Is there any possibility of reducing the size of the
cache_data field?


Thanks a lot


Fabian Schatz


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