[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 4.4: can't access backend

RDE / Redlich gr2 at ipw.net
Sun Jan 23 23:20:20 CET 2011

Luis E. Suarez schrieb:
> Solved the misterious behavior.
> This is very weird really.  The backend doesn't render in Firefox, 
> Opera, Chrome and others.  I copy/pasted the html source code into 
> Dreamweaver and could see text and DIV's of the different menu sections.
> Out of desperation I run IExplorer 9 (that I never use) and voila!  The 
> backend rendered okay except for a minor bug in 'User Admin/Compare User 
> Settings', where the Filelist appears in the background (need 
> confirmation).  I then run IExplorer 8 in my XP laptop and the backend 
> rendered okay too.
> The questions are, am I the only one using TYPO 4.4 and Firefox, Opera, 
> Chrome etc? and what about developers, do they use IE only?
> I'm tired, I expected to upgrade all my sites in two days but instead I 
> got a very unworthy weekend.
> Cheers!

Hi Luis,

I did install a 4.4.6 from scratch onto Suse 10.3. and 11.2 Server,

it runs from beginning. I am using FF 3.6 and Opera 11 and Netscape 9
and IE6 and IE7, sometimes IE8 from a notebook and I see the backend
almost completely.

But: beside quixplorer, currently I did avoid any extension,
to receive real results. Extensions will be added later step by step.

Then I did fill some content with a t3d export from 4.2.17,
it is slow but ok. look here: neu.puppenstiftung.de

So if you like to play with a 4.4.6 demo one of my servers,
contact me by my e-mail directly.

It runs a little bit slow compared by 4.2.17, but it runs fine.
May be something may be wrong on your servers config.


best regards
Gert Redlich
Wiesbaden/Germany|internet: www.rde.de

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