[TYPO3-english] quixplorer in 4.2.17 and 4.4.6 - we need the same style or skin
RDE / Redlich
gr2 at ipw.net
Tue Jan 11 22:47:31 CET 2011
Hallo to all quixplorer users,
we are using quixplorer sincs many years and we are really satisfied,
but since TYPO3 4.4.6 (may be 4.4.4 too), the font size and the
style has changed (now fonts-size is large)
we use firefox 3.6 and opera 11
both browsers show the same difference in font size.
I did search in google with
"lists.typo3.org quixplorer anpassen"
lists.typo3.org quixplorer css
lists.typo3.org quixplorer styles
lists.typo3.org quixplorer modify
and many others, to find some hints to get back to our well known
quixplorer style and design like in 4.2.17
Is this a result of the TYPO3 backend skin 4.4
compared by skin 4.2 within TYPO3 4.4.17 ?
Do you have any hint or trick or link, how to change
the quixplorer style (or skin) by css or anyway else ?
best regards
Dipl.Ing.Gert Redlich Wiesbaden/Germany
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