[TYPO3-english] tt_news SEARCH and LIST in different containers (feature request?)

Victor Livakovsky v-tyok at mail.ru
Mon Jan 10 15:35:48 CET 2011

Well, a good sleep helped :)

Since, the form is just an HTML, we can use normal TEXT objects of TS.
Here is, what I've got:

lib.news_search = COA_INT

lib.news_search.10 = TEXT
lib.news_search.10 {
  typolink.parameter = {$newsSearchUid}
  typolink.no_cache = 1
  typolink.returnLast = url
  wrap = <div class="form"><form action="|" method="post">

lib.news_search.20 = TEXT
lib.news_search.20 {
  data = GPvar : tx_ttnews | swords
  htmlSpecialChars = 1
  wrap = <p><span>{$SwordLabel}</span></p><p><input class="input" 
type="text" name="tx_ttnews[swords]" value="|" onclick="this.value=''" 
/></p><p><label>&nbsp;</label><input type="image" class="image" 
src="{$SearchButton}" /></p></form></div>
  ifBlank = {$newsSearchWord}

Works perfectly and now I don't worry about double run of search code :) 

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