[TYPO3-english] A problem with swiftmailer, autoloading and open_basedir

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 10:24:53 CET 2011


I am getting the following error message for *every* SwiftMailer class when 
I call a CLI script:

Core: Error handler (BE): PHP Warning: spl_autoload(): open_basedir 
restriction in effect. File(swift_swiftexception.php) is not within the 
allowed path(s): 
in /var/lib/typo3/TYPO3_4-5/t3lib/class.t3lib_autoloader.php line 113

And that is really for each SwiftMailer class.

How can I fix that?

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core&security teams member
Blog: http://dmitry-dulepov.com/
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