[TYPO3-english] update from typo-4.2 to typo3-4.4
Steffen Gebert
steffen.gebert at typo3.org
Fri Apr 22 11:32:19 CEST 2011
> I have a problem now with the rtehtmlarea and php_page_content.
> I use firefox and chrome and Linux S.O. and I cannot see the wysiwyg,
> any clue?
> I saved the version 1.7.16 because with typo3 4.2 was fine, but when I
> open a content with typo3 4.4 the wysiwig disappeared. The latest
> version of
> rtehtmlarea is bad for the backend.
No, rtehtmlarea is for *sure* *not* bad for the backend! It is a system
What do you mean with "I saved the version 1.7.16"? This version of rte?
You should not use sysextensions in other versions of TYPO3. They are
always shipped with the core and often have dependencies to the specific
version of TYPO3. Never install it as an local extension (in
Kind regards
Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member
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