[TYPO3-english] deleting very old extensions
"Christian Müller (Kitsunet)"
christian.mueller at typo3.org
Fri Apr 1 16:04:42 CEST 2011
Hi Katja,
if the extension is not active it should be fairly safe to just delete
them from typo3conf/ext. Only Exception might be if someone included PHP
/ JS / CSS from those folders directly through Typoscript, which is
possible even if the extension is not active. Safe way is to first
rename or move the folder, if (after clearing the cache) everything
still works fine delete it.
On 01.04.2011 16:00, Katja Lampela wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some installations where there are very old extensions, not
> installed, but in the system anyway. Now I try to clean these away in
> the "proper" manner, uninstall and delete them in EM.
> I get this error in 4.4.x:
> RuntimeException
> TYPO3 Fatal Error: An unexpected error has occurred. There are problems
> with your extension key or with the extension data.
> and in 4.5.2:
> Oops, an error occured!
> TYPO3 Fatal Error: An unexpected error has occurred. There are problems
> with your extension key or with the extension data.
> Can I safely just delete these extension folders from typo3cont/ext?
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