[TYPO3-english] Problem with sr_email_subscribe - and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing

bernd wilke t3ng at pi-phi.tk
Thu Sep 9 08:32:39 CEST 2010

Am Tue, 07 Sep 2010 10:12:36 +0800 schrieb Cameron:

> I saw some documentation for the module in question that says "When you
> upgrade from an older version to version 1+, you need to add a static
> template to your TS template, otherwise the extension will not work.",
> but I have literally no idea what that even means.

in your (main-)TypoScript-template you have different fields to fill 
beside 'constant' and 'setup'

in the view 'Edit the whole template record' of any Typoscript-template
you have the subpage 'includes' 
where a field 'Static Template files to include. Include static (from 
extensions):' exists.

Here you see on the right side all available static templates from 
extensions. click the required to get it to the left side, which is the 
inclusion list for this template.
The full inclusion-tree can be seen for every page in the Template 
1. left column: 'template' in section 'Web'
2. select a page in the pagetree
3. select in the drop-down 'Template Analyzer' 


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