[TYPO3-english] typo3 4.4 BE webkit com.apple.quarantine

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Mon Nov 22 11:21:49 CET 2010

 > The reason i think this happens is the meta attribute 
com.apple.quarantine which is appended to files you download, so that 
Mac OS X can spit out a warning.
What? Slowly please.. what "meta attribute" are you talking of?
It is appended by the server? Does your server run MacOS?

> I found a workaround in editing the file typ3temp/compressor/merged-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.css and deleting all those lines wich say com.apple.quarantine.
> but if i were to delete the files in compressor typo3 would merge them again with the same mistakes.
There should be no such lines.. however they get there. They get into 
the CSS? But are not valid CSS expressions and thus cause errors?

Sorry, please be more explicit, I don't understand anything ;)
Please provide some example data, sounds very weird ;)

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Core Team Member

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