[TYPO3-english] Questions regardsing TYPO3 4.5

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Thu Nov 11 11:27:23 CET 2010

On 11.11.10 10:11, Chris Müller wrote:
> I think you should ask your questions in the dev-list.
the projects-v4 list is more appropriate, as it covers more the 
"development of TYPO3 itself" stuff.

>> 1. Will it be possible that the extjs pagetree
Are you talking of the Page tree or the TCA tree? I saw you had a Page 
tree (the current TCA tree used for table pages) and really wondered at 
the first moment :D

Page tree itself will not be part of 4.5 (follows in 4.6).

>> 2. Is somebody working on the usermanagement module?
AFAIK not, although the current one really s*cks

>> 3. will you provide a speed optimisation guide?
I don't remember, who planned to do this, but I heard this some time 
ago, too. Maybe it was Rupi, who wanted to work on speed improvements, 
but no clue, if he made progress.

 > I wrote a Ext:ks_sitemgr which could be easily adapted to the normal
 > be_user module (with grids etc.)
In principal a very interesting extension (however the be_acl dependency 
is a bit nasty *g*)

Feature Freeze for 4.5 is next Wednesday. If you really think that you 
can replace the default user listing (IMHO we can leave the old 
submodule to compare the user settings as is), please get in touch with 
Release Managers. Otherwise an ExtJS based User overview would be great 
for 4.6

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Core Team Member

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