[TYPO3-english] content-handling with TS

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Nov 1 14:41:30 CET 2010

> The backend-form for content-items does not contain fields, I could
> missuse and I'm not very happy with telling the editors that they
> should not use the datefields, but use other fields as date fields.

These fields are NOT date fields but responsible for "release time" and "expiration time", so what is it, that your editors don't understand about this fact?
> You said, that it is not possible "out of the box".
> What do I have do patch to make this happen?

You should never patch anything that is provided by the core or a third party extension.
Actually there already is a date field used for the header date - so maybe you can use that one and put it somewhere else in the frontend via TS.
Otherwise you have to make your own extension that provides date fields other than the fields provided by the core.



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