[TYPO3-english] choosing typo3

Martin Holtz typo3ng_2009 at martinholtz.de
Fri Mar 26 09:40:51 CET 2010

Hi g4b0 (nice name btw:p)

> I'm working on a new project, and I have to choose between typo3 and
> drupal. I'm a newbe in both, because I come from cakephp framework.
> The project will be a frontend site with a little extranet (just
> document sharing). Typo3 is presented as an "Enterprise Level CMS/CMF",
> while Drupal is a "simple" CMS/CMF.
> What does typo3 do that drupal doesn't?
as i do not know much about drupal (installed it two yeas ago for
testing), but at the TYPO3 Conference last Year there was an Drupal
Evangelist there and hold an interesting talk.

He said there are a few features which are supported well in TYPO3 but
not yet solved perfect in Drupal:

1) staging (in TYPO3 the Staging Modul is called Workspace)
2) localization
3) versions

On an technical view staging is implemented with versions too.

The workspace modul is a nice thing, you can work on an new version or
write text and can send the text for an review to your chief-editor (its
staging then) - or you can send an link, which shows an preview for an
defined time without an login.

If you decide to use TYPO3 - remember TypoScript is _not_ a
Scripting-language, but only an tool to configure PHP-arrays.

But i think both TYPO3 and Drupal are pretty good tools. Both with pros
and cons. I know many people who manage TYPO3 Websites without being
able to code php.

Well, and i would say: use TYPO3 :)

Would be nice to hear at the end, why you take which CMS :)

have fun :)

Martin Holtz - elemente websolutions http://www.elemente-websolutions.ms

http://wiki.typo3.org/Ts45min - TypoScript in "45" minutes
http://wiki.typo3.org/De:ts45min - (auch in Deutsch)

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