[TYPO3-english] Problem with sr_language_menu and realurl on multilingual website

David Bruchmann typo3-en at bruchmann-web.de
Wed Jul 28 11:46:02 CEST 2010

----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
Von:        Björn Wendeler <bjorn.wendeler at burnabit.com>
Gesendet:   Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2010 11:18:48
An:         TYPO3 English <typo3-english at lists.typo3.org>
Betreff:    [TYPO3-english] Problem with sr_language_menu and realurl 
on	multilingual website
> I have several multilingual websites that use realurl and sr_language_menu
> to change between the languages installed.
> The problem is, that if you are on one page, e.g. the homepage and you click
> on the english-flag to change to the english version of the homepage,
> everything works fine.
> Example:
> http://www.example.com/de/startseite/
> becomes
> http://www.example.com/en/homepage/
> But when you click onto the German flag now, the URL should be
> /de/startseite/ again, but it becomes /de/homepage/. This happens on other
> pages/subpages as well.
> The basic functionality of the website is given of course, all contents are
> displayed correctly in the chosen language. But for SEO reasons this is
> definetely bad, since this results in "double content".

Hi Björn,

usually the extension sr_language_menu reflects only faults in the setup 
and doesn't implement faults by itself, so the fault always is in the 
general setup.

Having setup two languages and one as default the Language-Parameter 
isn't submitted because it's default - turning realUrl of should show it 
for testing. Here is the fault in the setup: You've defined L:0 and L:1 
but not what happens without L concerning the language-setup (you have 
only translated some expressions for this case).

Here is a snippet of a language-setup of mine whereas the first 
paragraph is missin in yours:

config {
     linkVars = L
     sys_language_overlay = 1
     sys_language_uid = 0
     htmlTag_langKey = de
     language = de
     locale_all = de_DE
     metaCharset = utf-8
#    renderCharset = utf-8

[globalVar = GP:L = 0]
config {
     sys_language_uid = 0
     language = de
     locale_all = de_DE
     htmlTag_langKey = de

[globalVar = GP:L = 6]
config {
     sys_language_uid = 6
     language = ar
     locale_all = ar_AR
     htmlTag_langKey = ar

Hope it helps ;)

Best Regards

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