[TYPO3-english] TS print link in TYPO3 4.4

Victor Livakovsky v-tyok at mail.ru
Mon Jul 12 22:20:22 CEST 2010

Hi, list.

I have a problem with generated URL for a print link.

Here is a code:

lib.print_link = TEXT
lib.print_link {
  value = {$Print}
  typolink {
    parameter.data = page:uid
    addQueryString = 1
    addQueryString.method = GET
    additionalParams = &print=1
    no_cache = 1
    title = {$Print}
    ATagParams = class="print"

[globalVar = GP:print > 0]
lib.print_link {
  value = {$BackToNormal}
  typolink {
    additionalParams >
    no_cache = 0
    addQueryString.exclude  = no_cache,print

This TS makes such a link: 
As you see, 'id' is generated twice.
This can be solved by not using 'addQueryString', but I need it, since web 
has 'tt_news' and other extensions installed and I don't want to write 
complicated TS to include all the params manually.

Tried to set: config.uniqueLinkVars = 1 - but that made no effect.

How can I get rid of second 'id' from url?

TYPO3 4.4.
Thank you in advance for your help. 

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