[TYPO3-english] Oracle performance issues

Philipp Thiele philipp.thiele at whitemouse.de
Thu Jul 8 11:57:46 CEST 2010


I set up a TYPO3 Installation on an Oracle 11 Database - currently it is
TYPO3 4.3.2 with a heavy patched DBAL (originally 1.0.4).
This was not my decision, it was a requirement - noone would ever had
allowed me to set it up on MySQL. However, after a lot of debugging work,
reporting on typo3 bugtracker and applying some patches (the participation
of the community is great, thanks to all involved develoers :o) ), my
installation works fine with all the necssary plugins like templavoila, dam,
eu_ldap and others - BUT: the performance is very bad. An uncached page
needs about 8 seconds for generation (according to DBAL Log, around 600 to
800 queries are generated at one of these requests at uncached pages). I
think, the number of queries itself isn't that problematic, because on
MySQL-environments there will be a (nearly) similar number of queries (some
oracle-weirdness required a little more), but the response times from the
database server. I had done traces and they show that most of the time the
database waited for some input.
 SQL*Net message to client                    3819        0.00          0.00
 SQL*Net message from client                3819        0.21          6.08
This shows to me that in one page generating process the database server is
waiting for 6:08 seconds.
Accordingly to this, there is very low load on database server and apache.
Surely, the all-day-frontend-user would not notice this delay (because of
TYPO3 caching framework and an external reverse proxy), but backend users
dosen't have this advantage, and also for fe_users this issue is

I know that this is a very specific problem, but I hope to get some answers
with some of your empirical values and (that would be great) some hints for
optimizing my setup (this is also the reason for posting in the english
list, sorry for my bad english).
For speed improvement I use e-accellerator and the ADOdb C extension.

Best Regards,


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