[TYPO3-english] usability drawbacks

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Tue Jan 19 08:22:54 CET 2010

Hello all,

First of all I want to say there are very many improvements in TYPO3 
4.3.1, thanks for the great work guys!

But here is the "but": there are also couple of drawbacks in usability 
in new versions IMHO (I'm not sure in which version these "unwished" 
features have appeared):

1. making a new record (for example tt_news record) is not possible in 
Web/Page module any more. You have to choose List module. There used to 
be the "Create new record" link in Page module also. Or am I missing 
something obvious?

2. copying a record (for example tt_news) is not possible with the 
"click menu" in Page module even though the records are there visible. 
One can choose "Copy" from the record's clickmenu but there never 
appears "Paste..". If I choose List module, I get the paste *icon* after 
copying, but the clickmenu still doesn't have the "Paste" option there 
either. I think this is not logical.

As TYPO3 is very configurable, maybe I could change this default behaviour?
I found for the point 2 the user tsconfig option 
contextMenu.[key].disableItems, but I don't think this is it. Since the 
Paste does appear sometimes and with some items, just not always.

As for the point 2, this can be a tt_news thing. But how about point 1, 
anyone knows if this can be added somehow?

With kind regards

Katja Lampela

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