[TYPO3-english] R: help with webkitpdf

De Contardi Riccardo Riccardo.DeContardi at bhuman.it
Mon Jan 18 16:17:45 CET 2010

Dear mr. Führicht ,

Thank you for your answer, it helped me to solve the problem!

>- The user (not TYPO3 user, but the webserver user (e.g. Apache)) is not 
>allowed to run the wkhtmltopdf binary. In this case, contact your hoster 
>and ask if it would be possible to make it runnable for you.

My apache user is called www-data
I've edited the Permissions of /typo3conf/ext/webkitpdf/res/wkhtmltopdf

-rwxrwxr-- 1 www-data www-data 7264800 2010-01-16 22:35 wkhtmltopdf

Now it works!

Thank again!

Riccardo De Contardi
B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it 
Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano
Tel +39.02 20 23 271 - Fax +39.02 20 240 561

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: typo3-english-bounces at lists.typo3.org [mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.typo3.org] Per conto di Reinhard Führicht
Inviato: lunedì 18 gennaio 2010 14.43
A: typo3-english at lists.typo3.org
Oggetto: Re: [TYPO3-english] help with webkitpdf


these errors can have multiple reasons. I'm currently working on a 
better error handling to make the extension more usable.

What I can think of as possible reasons for the error:

- The user (not TYPO3 user, but the webserver user (e.g. Apache)) is not 
allowed to run the wkhtmltopdf binary. In this case, contact your hoster 
and ask if it would be possible to make it runnable for you.

- The system is a 64bit system. In this case, you will have to download 
the binary for 64bit systems.

- The typo3temp/tx_webkitpdf/ directory is not writable.

Btw. you can leave the field "starting point" empty. It is not needed, 
therefore not documented.


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