[TYPO3-english] extendedshop

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Wed Feb 17 07:28:47 CET 2010


One on my clients wants the extendedshop (Webformat Shop System) as 
online shop system and it is my first installation of this extension, 
TYPO3 4.2.11 and extendedshop 4.0.1.

Now I have problems to get the buying procedure working. The product 
listings and basket are working fine. But when I try to order and give 
my information it always ends with the error "Please ceck once again all 
the required fields" even though I have filled every single field in the 

So, I have questions for you guys who know this extension:
1. does this work okay with TYPO3 4.2.11?
2. does it work without feuser logging in, as an open shop system?
3. is there a way to modify which fields are there in the order 
information form? I know I can modify the required fields with this 
plugin.tx_extendedshop_pi1.requiredFields, but is it possible to modify 
the whole form?

Thanks in advanced :)

With kind regards

Katja Lampela

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