[TYPO3-english] SSO + kerberos

Ralf Hettinger ng at ralfhettinger.de
Tue Feb 9 20:14:55 CET 2010

Hi Mauro,

Am 09.02.2010 18:55 schrieb Mauro Lorenzutti:
> I have a question about single-sign-on based on kerberos. I already
> setup the eu_ldap extension and connected it to our Active Directory
> server, it works fine. I also setup a SSO based on NTLM protocol but the
> apache module for NTLM has some problems.
> I'd like to find another solution for SSO and I started to think about
> kerberos. Does anybody setup an autologin for TYPO3 based on kerberos?
> Please, could you share your experience?

although I have no answer to your Kerberos question and sort of
struggling with the same topic in one of my projects, I thought writing
back would do no harm.

I'm as well thinking of giving Kerberos a try (but haven't done yet)
since there are some performance issues on an initial NTLM connect we're
encountering by using the Apache NTLM module
(libapache2-mod-auth-ntlm-winbind and still NTLM v1). I'd be quite
interested if that's the same problem you're experiencing or what your
problem is by using NTLM.

Apart from that, the NTLM Apache module works as expected here and
without failures so far, so if your problem isn't performance related, I
might be of help...

Kind regards

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