[TYPO3-english] Broken Introduction Package
Steffen Gebert
steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Wed Dec 29 17:37:49 CET 2010
Hi Frank,
> I am familiar with TYPO3 since some 4 years.
Okay.. yes.. was really utopian to expect a TYPO3 newbie installing it
without 1-2-3 mode ;-)
> I feel for some time that the install could be more user-friendly
Short answer: yes, of course - everybody thinks this! That's what the IP
aims to improve.
> so I finally took some time to test AND write down. ;>))
> I have to admit that for some odd reason I never really used the 123
> install mode. Stupid probably.
I wonder, as it has always been there and I think every tutorial builds
upon this.
> When - in my first try I added '/typo3/install' directly I didn't
> get the 123mode!
IIRC it has always been this way. However.. why? Should be no huge
problem to do the same check
> isempty(TYPO3_db) && isempty(TYPO3_db_host)
and then redirect from install/index.php to itself with 123 parameter.
> 1/ after the message that dirs fileadmin and uploads should be writeable
> you should chmod the dirs and REFRESH! If you hit 'continue' then things
> go wrong. Better mention that users should refresh.
Sure? What is "goes wrong"? You get empty pages in FE, when you don't
give write permissions, but I never refreshed, but always directly hit
continue. I created an issue that instead a Recheck button should be
shown to not continue, until permissions are correct.
> 2/ after install the nav menu links in in the FE don't work (on my
> localhost install)
>The requested URL /introductionpackage-4.5.0beta3/about-typo3/
Is the .htaccess in place? This should not happen.
So.. yes.. what to say now: I think many agree that the Install Tool is
sth. to feel ashamed for. However, as in many places, it's a lack of
man-power or having priorities in other parts of TYPO3.
Benni already started to improve the Upgrade Wizards a bit last week and
promised further improvements to them, they are also IMHO one of the
biggest annoyances.
Now, and please don't see this as criticism or a lack of interest in
your report: Do you want to take care of some parts? Especially in the
Install Tool, tiny improvements could help a lot. One thing would be the
mentioned redirect. Would you try to find the according place in
typo3/install/ and add the following lines:
if (!TYPO3_db_host && !TYPO3_db) {
// jump into Install Tool 1-2-3 mode, if neither database host nor
name are defined (fresh installation)
If you have problem or need some support, just get in touch using the
typo3-dev mailing list!
The issue tracker of the Introduction Package project can be found here:
You also see my issues and can add new ones. It would be great, if you
would start/continue(?) contributing to the TYPO3 project by helping
Kind regards
Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Core Team Member
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