[TYPO3-english] About TYPO3 4.5.0beta3
Frank Sonck
frank.sonck at freebel.net
Wed Dec 29 10:47:34 CET 2010
Hello Steffen and Ernesto,
First of all many thanks for your work on this new version. I tried to
install the introduction package on my local system (Ubuntu) and had some
issues. I think the installer procedure is not always completely clear or
user-friendly. Below I have described my experience. I don't know if it's
ok to post here? Sorry if not.
Again: all respect for your team's work. My remarks are not meant as
criticism, only some thoughts that can hopefully help.
Kind greetings,
Frank Sonck
I downloaded TYPO3 4.5.0beta3: Introduction Package
opened tar file and renamed it to 'intropack-4.5.0beta3'
pointed my Firefox browser to the file and
got 'Uncaught TYPO3 Exception' message:
Database Error: No database selected
1/ 2 tslib_fe::connectToDB()
2/ 1 require("/var/www/intropack-4.5.0beta3/typo3/sysext/cms/
No help about what to do to solve the problem?
I added 'typo3/install' to url and got install screen
I know what to do now but why not just put a button 'create
already there just for the time of this first install?
In a previous intropackage I got to chose between a 'normal' install or
the introduction version. This is not available anymore?
After creating ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file I refresh my browser and next
message 'Fatal error': Install Tool needs to write to typo3temp/. Why not
just put the correct perms already (change things upon conclusion of the
install if necessary)?
I have to type a password now. "The Install Tool Password is not the admin
password of TYPO3." Not very clear what this password is intended for in
Tried to create a password first, only afterwards I understood that I
should type the default pw.
Now I have to write and confirm my own install pw. Upon submit: "Uncaught
TYPO3 Exception
#1270853916: TYPO3 Fatal Error: /var/www/intropack-4.5.0beta3/typo3conf/
localconf.php is not writable! " Again:
- not user friendly but scary these 'fatal error' and 'uncaught
exception' messages
- why not set the perms automatically?
- why at least not mention what is the right chmod to use? Would be
I set localconf.php to 777 and refresh my browser. I head for 'basic
- I chmod -R 777 the typo3conf, typo3/ext, uploads and fileadmin dirs
- I enter pw, user and localhost of mysql db, give db name in create db
field, generate random key and submit
Again error: The NEW database name 'intropack-4.5.0beta3' was not
alphanumeric, a-zA-Z0-9_- (...not created). If I would have known
New name and submit.
I check 'update wizard' now.
- 'Database Character Set' explanation is very difficult to understand.
Leave it like this or not? Don't know.
- "Your current TYPO3 installation is configured to behave like version
3.8 of TYPO3". Why? I want version 4.5.0! Why make me do these things? I
go ahead, check all changes and submit again.
Next step. "Install New System Extensions" (Recycler). I think it would
be easier to just give all the new stuff and don't bother me with all
these things AND
1/ give the powerusers somewhere a screen where they can check / uncheck
all kinds of options so they can install only what they want.
2/ work with the concept of install profiles. See Drupal CMS for that.
Very interesting and user-friendly.
Now: compare database. "Table and field definitions should be updated".
Why do I have to do this? Why can't my new install come with all this
already done?
"Select tables to import". Explanation is not clear. Do I have to do
something or not. I choose "Import the whole file 'CURRENT_STATIC'
Create admin user. Ok. Other stuff is not clear: Reset user preferences
and Clear tables. I just leave it.
I hit 'Backend admin ' (links not very visually explicit). BE seems Ok.
I hit 'Frontend view'. Again "Uncaught TYPO3 Exception"
- No pages are found on the rootlevel!
- 3 tslib_fe::fetch_the_id()
- 2 tslib_fe::determineId()
- 1 require("/var/www/intropack-4.5.0beta3/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/
I chose intropackage to check what this CMS is about and after all this
work I get an error message?! The first intropackage came with some
extensions, color options for the design, some pages ready etc. Much more
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