[TYPO3-english] Removing HTML tags from Cooluri paths
Žiga Dolhar
ziga at dolhar.si
Mon Dec 27 19:24:06 CET 2010
Hi Jan,
> unfortunately I haven't though that something like this would ever
> happen. The only thing you can do for now is to create a new bug in
> Forge and I'll fix it.
I created a new feature request on forge. (I don't have the heart to
report this as a bug.)
> Anyway, you can overload the function that creates a pagepath and filter
> HTML tags here. All you have to do is create you own UX class that would
> extend tx_cooluri and it would overload getPageTitleBE function.
Although not being much of a webdeveloper any more, I took a peek into
getPageTitleBE function. I would think the possible issue lies in this code:
if (!empty($conf->sanitize) && $conf->sanitize==1) {
$pagepath[] =
} elseif (!empty($conf->t3conv) && $conf->t3conv==1) {
$pagepath[] = Link_Func::specCharsToASCII($title);
} elseif (!isset($conf->urlize) || $conf->urlize!=0) {
$pagepath[] = Link_Func::URLize($title);
} else {
$pagepath[] = urlencode($title);
It looks to me like several "sanitization" options are available only as
alternatives. I did not delve deeper into code, but I would think it
could be possible that user would desire to use more than just one
option at the same time. Alternatively, it would be great if this
priority of options was described somewhere (I didn't find it in the
official extension manual, but I may have overlooked it.)
As for the "userfunc", I either used it in the wrong way (see my first
post), or it is applied only after all the default processing done by
your extension. It might be better to prioritize userfunc or provide a
pre- and postprocessing userfunc :-).
Thank you for your time, Jan!
- Žiga
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