[TYPO3-english] tt_content.image.20 rollover effect

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Tue Apr 27 09:42:13 CEST 2010

>>  Need you advice. I have a project, where I need to achieve a
>>  rollover effect of tt_content images - the desaturated one, and on
>>  rollover - in full color. So, I saw in archive multiple messages
>>  and questions about GIFBUILDER rollover, and it seems like that's
>>  impossible. But How about generating each image twice side by side?
>>  Is it possible? Thanks in advance!
> Of course this is possible. If you can create desaturated images with
> GIFBUILDER and the default variant it is only a question of cleverly
> using the cObjects CASE, TEXT, etc. to get the wanted result.
> The following script will change tt_content.20 to show a blurred one
> and the original when moving the mouse over:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------- 

Nice example of what can be acchieved with just a few lines of TS. But why
are you doing it that complicated and with JavaScript?
IMHO it would be much easier to work with a container having the size of the
Then you can use the "images" side by side as one big image working as a
background that will just change position via CSS hover.

IMHO the only scenario that will force you to use an overlay with a separate
image is, when you want to apply JS fading or other effects like here:



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