[TYPO3-english] Use DAM categories for tt_news
Rik Willems
rik at actiview.nl
Mon Sep 21 17:06:01 CEST 2009
Hi Dan,
I found the hook processDatamapClassHook that could do something. But I
give up. This is getting way too much into the core for me. Risk of
doing something wrong become too high for me.
For now I use a different solution. But, I'm not sure whether this is an
accepted on. I deleted the tt_news_cat table. The tt_news specific rows
I added to the tx_dam_cat table. From this table I created a view that I
called tt_news_cat. In this view I included 'parent_id as
parent_category' so that tt_news can read the parent relationships. This
seems to work out quite well.
Greets, Rik
Dan Osipov schreef:
> Take a look at the hooks:
> processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray
> processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations
> Unfortunately, any help beyond this would require a chapter... Look for
> documentation, or pick up a TYPO3 extension development book. Let me
> know if you're still unsucessful.
> Dan Osipov
> Calkins Media
> http://danosipov.com/blog/
> Rik Willems wrote:
>> Dear Dan,
>> I read through much stuff concerning your suggestion but can't find
>> anything useful. Can you give some hints on how to do this?
>> Greets, Rik
>> Dan Osipov schreef:
>>> No, both projects rely on their categories in queries.
>>> What you can do, however, is make an extension and hook into TCE, so
>>> that when a new tt_news category is created, a matching DAM category
>>> is created at the same time.
>>> Dan Osipov
>>> Calkins Media
>>> http://danosipov.com/blog/
>>> Rik Willems wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am wondering if the following is possible. For a new project I'd
>>>> like to automate page content (news and images/video) through
>>>> typoscript. Now it doesn't make much sense to have to maintain two
>>>> category trees. Is it possible to combine the DAM and tt_news
>>>> categories? Or use one of the two for both extensions?
>>>> Greets, Rik
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