[TYPO3-english] tt_news (in single view) uses the same uid for the original and also for the translated record(s)

Markus Thaler most.wanted at gmx.at
Wed Sep 16 11:43:01 CEST 2009

thanks for your reply!

hmmm. okay. i already presumed this...

...so i will have to find another way to get my extension work with 
tt_news. (the extension compares the GET-parameter tx_ttnews[tt_news] 
with some other data...) - i guess the db-field "l18n_parent" will help 
to solve my problems.

another point is that at the moment realurl does not use the title of 
the translated tt_news-records instead of the title of the original 
tt_news-redord...but i guess this should also be manage-able, isn't it?

Oliver Klee schrieb:
> Hi,
> Markus Thaler schrieb:
>> it seems that tt_news uses the same uid for the the get-parameter
>> tx_ttnews[tt_news] for every language (in the single view) - it's the
>> uid of the tt_news-record in the standard-language...
> That's the correct way it's supposed to work in TYPO3: tt_news gets the
> UID and the fetches the translated record if necessary.
> Why do you need to have the UID of the translated record in the URL?
> Oliver

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