[TYPO3-english] span tag disappearing
Lamb, Brian
blamb at jcvi.org
Tue Sep 15 22:00:33 CEST 2009
Greetings all,
I recently upgraded to 4.2.8 and now my span tags disappear in the RTE. My TSconfig is:
TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd = all
colors {
tablehead {
name = Table Head
value = #dddddd
tablerowodd {
name = Table Row Odd
value = #f2f2f2
tableroweven {
name = Table Row Even
value = #e5e5e5
default {
colors = tablehead, tablerowodd, tableroweven
disableColorPicker = 1
showButtons = *
contentCSS = fileadmin/template/main/stylesheets/rte.css
classesCharacter = code, event1, event2
classesParagraph = header1, header1-line, header2, header3, code
classesTD = leftColumn, highlight
classesTable = tableHeader, tableRowEven, tableRowOdd
ignoreMainStyleOverride = 1
removeTags = acronym, address, applet, area, base, basefont, bdo, big, body, button, caption, center, cite, code, col, colgroup, del, dir, div, dfn, fieldset, font, form, frame, frameset, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, head, html, iframe, input, ins, isindex, kbd, label, legend, link, map, menu, meta, noframes, noscript, object, optgroup, option, param, q, s, samp, script, select, small, strike, style, textarea, title, u, var, xmp
proc.allowedClasses (
code, header1, header1-line, header2, header3, leftColumn, highlight, tableHeader, tableRowEven, tableRowOdd
proc {
keepPDIVattribs = class
entryHTMLparser_db = 1
entryHTMLparser_db {
tags {
# allow only certain attributes
p.allowedAttribs = class
a.allowedAttribs = class, href
blockquote.allowedAttribs = class
br.allowedAttribs = class
ul.allowedAttribs = class
li.allowedAttribs = class
ol.allowedAttribs = class
dl.allowedAttribs = class
dt.allowedAttribs = class
abbr.allowedAttribs = class
pre.allowedAttribs = class
table.allowedAttribs = class
tr.allowedAttribs = class, rowspan, colspan
td.allowedAttribs = class, rowspan, colspan, style
th.allowedAttribs = class, rowspan, colspan
tbody.allowedAttribs = class, rowspan, colspan
img.allowedAttribs = class, src
span.allowedAttribs = class
exitHTMLparser_db = 1
exitHTMLparser_db {
tags.b.remap = strong
tags.i.remap = em
keepNonMatchedTags = 1
classesAnchor {
externalLink {
altText =
titleText =
externalLinkInNewWindow {
altText =
titleText =
internalLink {
altText =
titleText =
internalLinkImage {
altText =
titleText =
type = page
class = internal-link-image
internalLinkInNewWindow {
altText =
titleText =
download {
altText =
titleText =
mail {
altText =
titleText =
As you can see, I have a few character classes defined and they correctly place the span tag in the RTE. But when I hit save, it disappears.
Any thoughts?
Brian Lamb
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