[TYPO3-english] Betr: Re: Betr: Re: CoolURI URL cannot exceed 45 chars. Bug or configuration?

Jan Bednarik info at bednarik.org
Thu Sep 3 14:27:56 CEST 2009

Hi guys,

obviously, there is no constant 45 in the code that would cause this 
behavior. It really sounds strange.

What CoolUri does is quite simple. It takes your URL, makes a select on 
the database and if something is returned, parameters are returned and 
page is displayed.

What if it's mod rewrite issue?

This URL is even longer than your and it works OK, check it out yourself:


Try to run this query on your server:

SELECT * FROM link_cache WHERE 
url='links/categorie/algemeen/3d-schieten/50/showlink/' OR 

it should return something.

Jan Bednarik
www.bednarik.org - web about Typo3 in czech

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