[TYPO3-english] Using dynamic values with getText (DB)

Tomas Mrozek mail at cascaval.com
Mon Oct 26 16:09:55 CET 2009

Maybe there's some sweet solution using getText but if not, you can
probably do it with the CONTENT object. Something like this:

my_cObj = CONTENT
my_cObj {
  table = tx_foreign_table

  select {
    pidInList = 0
    recursive = 10
    selectFields = fieldname
    andWhere.data = GPVar:fe_users|uid
    andWhere.intval = 1
    andWhere.wrap = uid=|

  renderObj = TEXT
  renderObj.field = fieldname

You didn't state where the UID is coming from so you might need to
(significantly) modify the above code.

Tomas Mrozek

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