[TYPO3-english] Display a list of files frim DAM grouped by category

Logi Huldar Gunnlaugsson logi at basis.is
Fri Oct 23 15:38:52 CEST 2009

Hi list

Can anyone please give me an advice or a helping hand? 

I've got 100s of files in DAM. Each file is assigned to at least 2
categories. On one page I need to display a list of PDFs that all are
assigned to one specific category (lets say it's Cat 1.3). This is my
category tree. Files are not assigned to any of the parent categories
(Cat X) only to sub cats (Cat x.x).

|-Cat 1
| |-Cat 1.1
| |-Cat 1.2
| |-Cat 1.3
| |-Cat 1.4
|-Cat 2
| |-Cat 2.1
| |-Cat 2.2
| |-Cat 2.3
| |-Cat 2.4
|-Cat 3
| |-Cat 3.1
| |-Cat 3.2
| |-Cat 3.3
| |-Cat 3.4

What I need is to group the listing by the second category name like so:

<h1>Cat 2.1</h1>
 list of files assigned to Cat 2.1 *AND* Cat 1.3
<h1>Cat 2.2</h1>
 list of files assigned to Cat 2.2 *AND* Cat 1.3
I've been tring to use the dam_frontend extention to make this happen
but without any success. The problem is that selection within the same
instance of the plugin is an *OR* query but not *AND* query as I need.
It is possible to build this *AND* query by combining multible instances
of the plugin on the same page but that would only work for me if I only
needed to display the result of one *AND* qyery but I need to display
multible, unrelated *AND* queries.

Can someone please help me here? I'm really becoming desperate here.
Could this be achieved with some typoscript magic or is there something
that I'm missing here?

Thank you in advance :-)

Best regards,

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