[TYPO3-english] Problem setting up a private TER

Peter Gallagher pgallagher at electricretina.com
Wed Oct 21 17:29:33 CEST 2009

I know that this is an old post but I am hoping that someone will see
this and be able to help me get this working.

I am following the example from:

php: 5.2.6
apache: 2
platform: windows
typo3: v 4.2.8

path to ter set in extension manager:

BE User: cliter (admin)
FE Group: extension uploaders
FE User: electricretina (member of extension uploaders)

Page ext template reflects the pid of the repository sys folder and the
FE user group ID.

When I load the repository page: http://eretina.local/index.php?id=ter I
get the output with the 'Bad Request' fault string. CHECK!

When I load http://eretina.local/wsdl/tx_ter_wsdl.php nothing is
returned. BAD!

When I tried to figure out when the script breaks it looks like the
problem start in tx_ter_wsdl.php with the line:


- nothing is being processed after this.

In config.default.php nothing is being processed after this code line:

} else {
	while(list($_EXTKEY,$temp_lEDat)=each($temp_TYPO3_LOADED_EXT))	{
		if (is_array($temp_lEDat) && $temp_lEDat['ext_localconf.php'])	{
			$_EXTCONF = $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extConf'][$_EXTKEY];

Any help would be appreciated.

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