[TYPO3-english] conditional menu based on menu page-id

Joerg Wagner [DigiLog] news.netfielders.de at digilog.de
Mon Nov 30 15:28:47 CET 2009

Hi David,

here is a "little" something that solves your problem - and goes 
somewhat beyond it. You can easily isolate the solution that is adequate 
for you.

This is a HMENU where the output of some of the cild pages is formatted 
(very) individually. You will find menu items that come out as icons and 
as forms, and will find advanced link modification so that creates 
tip-a-friend menu items.

Hope this helps.

##### TS-CONFIG #####
# The following TS-SETUP expects some vars to be set in TS-CONFIG that
# hold the UIDs of the root page of the HMENU (I always use a sys
# folder page for that) and the UIDs of those pages in the menu that
# should create special output formatting in the menu:
temp.UIDmenuroot  = 23
temp.UIDsearch    = 24
temp.UIDprintpage = 25
temp.UIDtipfriend = 26

##### TS-SETUP #####

## HEADSUBNAV Form + Print + Mail Buttons [Begin]

lib.headSubNav = HMENU
   special = directory
   special.value = {$temp.UIDmenuroot}
   1 = TMENU
     SPC = 1
     SPC {
       # spacer creates a simple line break
       doNotShowLink = 1
       allWrap = <br />
       # suppress standard menu output...
       doNotShowLink = 1

       # ...and build each menu item conditionally
       stdWrap2.cObject = COA

         # Standard
         # for all normal pages that should NOT get special treatment: 
recreate normal link
         10 = TEXT
           # not in list of special pages?
           # ATTENTION: Keep this list current with all UIDs that are 
treated specially (see below in this COA)
           if.value = 
           if.isInList.field = uid
           if.negate = 1

           field = nav_title//title
           typolink.parameter.field = uid

         # Search form
         20 = COA
         # TS FORM object has not .if attribute - so we have to wrap in 
a separate COA
           # ATTENTION: Also keep if.isInList in top COA.10 current!!! 
(with all specially treated uids)
           if.value.field = uid
           if.equals = {$temp.UIDsearch}

           10 = FORM
               5.type = tx_indexedsearch[submit_button]=submit
               5.value.field = nav_title//title
               10.label = SUCHBEGRIFF
               10.type = tx_indexedsearch[sword]=input
               10.required = 0
               20.type = tx_indexedsearch[_sections]=hidden
               20.value = 0
               21.type = tx_indexedsearch[_freeIndexUid]=hidden
               21.value = _
               22.type = tx_indexedsearch[pointer]=hidden
               22.value = 0
               23.type = tx_indexedsearch[type]=hidden
               23.value = 1
               24.type = tx_indexedsearch[ext]=hidden
               24.value = 0
             layout = ###FIELD###
             type = {$temp.UIDsearch}
             REQ = 1
             locationData = 1
             params.input = class="inputsearch"
             params.submit = class="inputsubmit"
             goodMess =
             badMess ={$styles.content.searchform.badMess}

         # Print (icon)
         30 = IMAGE
           # ATTENTION: Also keep if.isInList in top COA.10 current!!! 
(with all specially treated uids)
           if.value.field = uid
           if.equals = {$temp.UIDprintpage}

           file = fileadmin/templates/img/printpage.gif
           alttext.field = nav_title//title
             parameter = {page:uid} 
             parameter.insertData = 1
             addQueryString = 1
             addQueryString.method = GET
             addQueryString.exclude = id, cHash, no_cache, print
             # either no_cache or cHash must be used, otherwise the page 
             # open up from cache and will not use the print template!
             #useCacheHash = 1
             #no_cache = 1
             # # same as  &no_cache=1 :
             # additionalParams = &print=1&no_cache=1
             additionalParams = &print=1
           #[globalVar = GP:print=1]

#        # Print (plain text)
#        31 = TEXT
#        31{
#          # ATTENTION: Also keep if.isInList in top COA.10 current!!! 
(with all specially treated uids)
#          if.value.field = uid
#          if.equals = {$temp.UIDprintpage}
#          field = nav_title//title
#          typolink{
#            parameter = {page:uid} 
#            parameter.insertData = 1
#            addQueryString = 1
#            addQueryString.method = GET
#            addQueryString.exclude = id, cHash, no_cache, print
#            # either no_cache or cHash must be used, otherwise the page 
#            # open up from cache and will not use the print template!
#            #useCacheHash = 1
#            #no_cache = 1
#            # # same as  &no_cache=1 :
#            # additionalParams = &print=1&no_cache=1
#            additionalParams = &print=1
#          }
#        }

         # Tip-A-Friend (icon)
         40 = IMAGE
           # ATTENTION: Also keep if.isInList in top COA.10 current!!! 
(with all specially treated uids)
           if.value.field = uid
           if.equals = {$temp.UIDtipfriend}

           file = fileadmin/templates/img/tipfriend.gif
           alttext.field = nav_title//title
           stdWrap.typolink.parameter.cObject < lib.tipurl

#        # Tip-A-Friend (plain text)
#        41 = TEXT
#        41{
#          # ATTENTION: Also keep if.isInList in top COA.10 current!!! 
(with all specially treated uids)
#          if.value.field = uid
#          if.equals = {$temp.UIDtipfriend}
#          field = nav_title//title
#          typolink{
#            parameter.field = uid
#            additionalParams.cObject < lib.tipurl_param
#          }
#        }


# Create tipUrl parameter incl. current page link (rawUrlEncoded) needed 
for URL to "Tip-a-Friend" page
lib.tipurl_param = COA
   # Prepend with param name
   stdWrap.wrap = &tipUrl=|
   # Parse query string created below through rawUrlEncoded so that it 
can itself be used as a query param
   stdWrap.rawUrlEncode = 1

   # Add domain (baseURL) to link
   10 = TEXT
   10.data = TSFE:baseUrl

   # Append URL of current page including all parameters from the query 
   20 = TEXT
   20.typolink.parameter.data = page:uid
   20.typolink.addQueryString = 1
   20.typolink.addQueryString.method = GET
   20.typolink.addQueryString.exclude = id
   20.typolink.returnLast = url

lib.tipurl = COA
   # Create link to "Tip-a-Friend" page
   # PID of ToF page must be defined in TS Constants:  temp.UIDtipfriend
   10 = TEXT
   10.typolink.parameter = {$temp.UIDtipfriend}
   10.typolink.returnLast = url
   10.typolink.additionalParams.cObject < lib.tipurl_param

David Banning schrieb am 01.06.2009 19:39:
> I would like one item on a menu to display differently according to it's 
> page id, but I can't seem to find the matching syntax for the menu/page id.
> For instance
> [globalVar = TSFE:id=799]
>    libmenu.1.IFSUB.doNotLinkIt = 1
> [END]
> will match when you are -on- page 799, but I want the menu link
> that -points- to page 799 to change, regardless of where you are on the site.

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