[TYPO3-english] Thinking mistake? (advanced) mapping in templavoila

Paul Rijke paul at rijke.org
Thu Nov 26 20:48:54 CET 2009

Hi there,


I've got a little advanced question (at least it is advanced for mer)
concerning templavoila. I am developing a new template. It contains a
content div on the right and a sidebar at the left. I mapped the sidebar to
a content container. So far so good, I can place content elements in the


But, I also want my submenu items to appear in the sidebar. For some reason
(I don't see) I cannot map the submenu to the div within the sidebar. I dont
know what's wrong or what rule I violate. (Same thing will follow concerning
pulishing a searchbox in the sidebar or any other plugin)


Maybe there's another what to do this?


The html structure is:


<div id="sidebar"> => mapped to filed field_sidebar with element type
content elemens

                <div class="nav"> => (currently not cause of error) mapped
to lib.subMenu




There's an ! saying "No content found!" at the sebmenu mapping.


I hope I am clear on this...?


Further more, I love templavoila sofar. It shows real power I think. Using
FCE's is great!






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