[TYPO3-english] Frontend authentication - multiple extensions

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Wed Nov 25 18:18:13 CET 2009

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Pero Matic
Datum:       25.11.2009 15:22:
> Hi. Is it possible to have different frontend authentications extensions 
> active for different sites/domains in the same Typo3 installation? So, on 
> one site i'd like to use auth. extension 1, on the other auth extension 2 
> etc.. Thx! 

One option might be that the authentication services could be switched 
on and off by page TSconfig. So check the manuals...

If not you would have to program your own "authservice" switching to the 
appropriate other extensions.


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uon GbR

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